Breaking News
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Info Post

Assemble these supplies:

  •  1 tablespoon unflavored gelatine 
  •  3 eggs 
  •  2 cups milk  
  •  1/4 cup sugar 
  •  4 teaspoons instant coffee 
  •  whipped cream (optional) 

Steps in preparation:

  1. Dissolve the gelatine in a little warm water. 
  2. Beat the eggs slightly; mix with the milk and sugar. 
  3. Cook over low heat until the mixture begins to thicken. 
  4. Mix the coffee with a little water. 
  5. Add it and the gelatine to the custard. 
  6. Pour in a glass dish or individual dishes and refrigerate to set.
  7. To serve, top each serving with a scoop of whipped cream, if you desire.


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