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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Info Post

Eggs (whether the yolk, white or whole) cook very quickly so remember to beat thoroughly, adding a small amount of hot mixture into the beaten egg before pouring it entirely during cooking. This gives a smoother texture and prevents lumps.
The best way to separate eggs is to do it straight from the refrigerator. Crack the egg gently but firmly, and with your two thumbs break open, letting some of the white slip over to the bowl. Slide yolk gently from one half-shell to the other, letting the white slip into the bowl.
Store eggs in a cool place or refrigerator, pointed-end down.
Yolks of fresh eggs are round; whites are viscous and clear. As the egg ages, the yolk flattens out and the white becomes watery and cloudy.
For easier peeling of hard-cooked eggs, wash but do not soak just-cooked eggs in tap water. Drain right away and peel when cool enough to handle.

  • Make sure that eggs are at room temperature before you start to cook them. Cooking cold eggs will make their shells crack.
  • Put just enough tap water to cover the eggs.
  • For soft-cooked eggs, simmer eggs for 5 to 7 minutes; 10 minutes for hard-cooked.
  • Do not overcook eggs in the shell; this produces a green ring around the egg yolk that is not appetizing.
  • Use two to three beaten eggs at a time.
  • The secret to good, creamy scram bled eggs is cooking it
  • over low fire and patiently stirring it for 5 to 7 minutes until soft or fairly firm and just holding its shape.
  • Add about 1/4 cup Carnation Evap for every 4 eggs to have a creamier, softer scrambled eggs.
  • If scrambled eggs are overcooked and stiff, quickly stir in a tablespoon of butter or cream.
  • For variety and appeal, sprinkle a tablespoon of your favorite herbs.
  • Use fresh eggs for poaching. Start with water that's at a rolling boil, adding a little vinegar to help the whites cling.
  • Break the egg into a small bowl or cup and gently slide it into the
  • boiling water. The bubbles of the boiling water will trap the whites and shape it into an oval. Lower the heat and simmer until egg is cooked.
  • Whisking or beating egg whites in-creases the volume to as much as eight times the original volume
  • Use a clean, dry, oil-free copper or aluminum bowl.
  • Egg whites do not form a meringue if there are traces of yolk, oil or water.
  • A pinch of salt or cream of tartar added before beating the whites helps it to stiffen for a sturdier meringue.
  • Sugar, which helps stabilize the struc-ture of the whites, must be added only when whites begin to stiffen to make a glossy meringue.
  • Start beating egg whites at low speed, increasing only to high when it starts to break up and becomes frothy.
  • If egg whites are over-beaten, the smooth meringue breaks up and becomes grainy; to remedy, add one more egg white for every 4 whites used and beat for 30 seconds or until smooth.
  • There are three kinds of omelet: folded, flat (locally called torta) and soufflé
  • Whisk together 2 eggs and 2 table-spoons of Carnation Evap until the whites and yolks have blended well.
  • It is preferable to cook omelets in a non-stick skillet. Melt butter or oil just until it sizzles when whisked with water.
  • Pour in egg mixture. With the back of a turner, push cooked portions at edges toward center so the un cooked portions flow into the hot pan surface. Tilt pan and move cooked portions as necessary.
  • When top is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, fill with about 1/2 cup of your choice of filling. Fold omelet in half over the filling by using the turner. Invert onto plate with a quick flip of the wrist.


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