Breaking News
Monday, October 29, 2012

Info Post

For any recipe calling for plain white rice, here is a good basic recipe. Both medium or long-grain domestic rice work well for these recipes. If you are using imported, use the short-grain variety. The Spanish cooks will tell you not to use rice grown in Calasparra for it is not as tender; so I shall warn you NOT to buy rice from Calasparra.

Assemble these supplies:
  • 1 cup uncooked rice 
  • 2 quarts (8 cups) water 
  • 2 teaspoons salt 
  • 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice 
  • 2 tablespoons butter 

Steps in preparation:
  1. Wash the rice, if necessary, by placing it in a sieve or colander under running water. The rice is clean when the water comes out clear.
  2. Slowly add the rice to the boiling water to which the salt and lemon juice has been added. These acids help the rice stay white and separated. Boil gently for 15 to 20 minutes. The rice should be tender. Cooking time depends on the type of rice used.
  3. Drain in a sieve or colander. Stir in the butter. Keep hot until ready to use.
  4. NOTE: For yellow rice as in the paella recipes, add 1/3 teaspoon of powdered saffron while the 1 cup of rice is cooking.


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