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Monday, October 15, 2012

Info Post

The proper kitchen tools will not only make food preparation easy and quick, but also nutritious as well. Find out if your kitchen tools are working for you-nutrition-wise.

Knives, scissors
Sharp knives can make you chop your vegetables more efficiently and give you higher chances of preparing a nutritious meal. Always have your knives sharpened, or if they are no Longer in good shape, consider wisely investing in good ones.
Sometimes, knives just won't do the trick. That's the time you need to use kitchen scissors. They are great to snip herbs, trim the fat off of chicken or other meats, chop larger vegetables such as canned tomatoes into smaller pieces, cutpita bread into wedges, cut tortillas in half, cut pizza into slices, make slits in homemade bread before baking, and to open pack¬ages. Kitchen scissors or shears have small blades and easily cut food.

Cutting boards
Whether using plastic or wood, make sure the board is free of deep grooves or cuts. Designate one board for fruits and vegetables and one board for raw meats. Plastic cutting boards tend to dull knives more than wooden boards.

Pan with steamer inset
Cooking vegetables in as Little water as possible will reduce the Loss of water- soluble vitamins. Use a pan with a steamer inset and add water to the bottom of the pan so it does not touch the vegetables. Place a tight fitting Lid on the pan. Add vegetables to the inset and bring to a boil. Cook on low heat until vegeta¬bles are tender- crisp. A steamer basket that fits into a deep saucepan also works well. The vegetables will be tender and crisp, not mushy and . tasteless.


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