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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Info Post

Eggs for poaching should be very fresh. If you are in doubt as to the freshness of the eggs, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to each quart of water to help coagulate the egg whites.

Put the water in a pan or skillet until it is about two- thirds full. Bring the water, to which a little salt has been added, to a boil. Lower the heat. Break each egg into a cup, then carefully slip each egg into the water. Do not try to crowd the eggs, for each should remain separated from the others. Be sure the water continues to simmer; cook 3 minutes for soft-poached eggs and several minutes longer for harder yolks.

Lift the eggs carefully with a slotted spoon. Poached eggs may be served as they come from the pan with toast or English muffins, or use them with any of the poached egg recipes that follow.


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