Breaking News
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Info Post

Assemble these utensils:

Kitchen scale
Set of measuring spoons
Liquid measuring cups
4 8-ounce glass jars

Assemble these supplies:

2 kilos fresh and firm mandarin oranges
Lye solution (1 tablespoon NAOH per quart of H20)
Acid solution (1 millimeter of hydrochloric acid per quart of H20)
Syrup (2/3 cup sugar per pint of water)

Steps in preparation:

1. Sort and wash the fruits.
2. Pass fruit through a steam or hot water bath for 1 minute to facilitate peeling and then cool in cold water.
3. Peel the fruit by hand and separate into segments.
4. Immerse segments in a fruit basket in lye solution for 1 minute at 180°F.
5. Wash with water once. Dip in acid solution to neutralize the alkali.
6. Wash thoroughly with water. Remove peeling well.
7. Pack well in glass jars and add hot syrup. Remove bubble with a knife inserted around the edges. Refill with syrup.
8. Seal and process for 20 minutes at 212°F.
9. Cool.


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