Breaking News
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Info Post

Assemble these supplies:

  • Small ripe pineapple, chilled
  • 1 kiwi, chilled
  • Medium-size ripe mango or papaya (about 1 pound), chilled
  • 2 small or 4 tiny bananas

Steps in preparation:

  1. Remove stem, then halve pineapple lengthwise; re­serve one half for another use. Quarter remaining half lengthwise, core each quarter, and cut flesh away from rind with paring knife. Remove pineapple eyes, cut each quarter into spears, and place in medium-size bowl.
  2. Peel kiwi, quarter, and cut into bite-size pieces. Add to bowl. Peel mango: Using chef's knife, make 4 or more evenly spaced lengthwise cuts through mango flesh, pressing knife against pit; then score firmly several times crosswise and gently dislodge mango pieces with point of knife. Discard pit. Add mango pieces to bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate.
  3. Just before serving, peel bananas. Cut small bananas crosswise into bite-size slices, or, if using tiny bananas, leave whole. Remove fruit from refrigerator and add bananas.
  4. Divide fruit salad among 4 salad plates and serve.


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