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Friday, August 24, 2012

Info Post
The sautéed spinach dish calls for shallots, considered the aristocrat of onions because of their very delicate flavor. The spinach is tossed with a medley of citrus juices—lemon, orange, and lime—which add a subtle fla­vor to the dish.


1 1/2 to 2 pounds young spinach
2 shallots
1 lemon
1/2 orange
1/2 lime
4 tablespoons unsalted butter Salt
Freshly ground white pepper 4 orange twists (optional)


Wash spinach thoroughly, remove stems, and place wet leaves in medium-size bowl. Peel shallots and chop enough to measure 2 tablespoons.
Squeeze 1/4 cup lemon juice, 3 to 4 tablespoons orange juice, and 1 tablespoon lime juice. In small bowl, combine juices and remove pits.
In large skillet heat butter over medium-high heat until foamy. Add shallots and toss lightly with wooden spatula for 1 minute, removing skillet from heat to keep shallots from burning if necessary.
Add spinach and toss to combine thoroughly with but­ter and shallots.
While spinach is still bright green, push to one side of skillet and pour citrus juices into pan. Reduce juices over medium-high heat 30 seconds, then quickly toss spinach with juices and salt and pepper to taste.
Serve alongside swordfish steaks and, if desired, gar­nish each serving with an orange twist.


These dishes are simple and direct, and the wine should match them; choose a California Pinot Blanc, a dry Vouvray from the Loire, or a white Burgundy.


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