Breaking News
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Info Post
Sabayon is a sweet egg-custard sauce that can be served warm over fruit or eaten on its own.

Assemble these supplies:

  • 21/2 cups strawberries or raspberries 6 eggs
  • 1/3cup sugar
  • 1/, 3 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup heavy cream, well-chilled
  • 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier
Steps in preparation:

  1. In colander, rinse berries under cold running water and drain. Gently pat dry with paper towels. Hull, if neces­sary, and set aside.
  2. Using 2 small bowls, separate eggs, reserving whites for another use, and set aside yolks.
  3. In bottom of double boiler, over high heat, bring just enough water to a boil so that water level will be 1/2-inch below bottom of upper half of double boiler.
  4. In upper half of double boiler, combine egg yolks and sugar, and whisk until pale yellow and creamy.
  5. Add wine to egg yolk mixture and place top half of double boiler over simmering water in bottom half. Taking care that water never boils, whisk mixture constantly until thickened into fluffy custard, about 5 minutes.
  6. Remove mixture from heat and continue whisking until cool.
  7. In small stainless steel bowl, whip cream until stiff.
  8. With rubber spatula, fold whipped cream into egg yolk mixture. Gently fold in liqueur. Spoon over berries.


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