Breaking News
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Info Post
For an attractive presentation, arrange the mussels and shrimp on a pinwheel of crisp snow peas and garnish each serving with a mussel shell. Serve the kohlrabi stuffed with chopped mushrooms, onions, and red bell pepper on the side.


Food processor or blender (if using homemade coconut cream)
Stockpot with cover
Large deep skillet with cover or wide, low casserole with cover
Medium-size saucepan
Large sauté pan
Heatproof platter
Large bowl
Medium-size bowl (if using homemade coconut cream)
4 small bowls
Fine sieve (if using homemade coconut cream)
Measuring cups and spoons
Chef's knife
Paring knife
Slotted spoon
Wooden spoon
Wooden spatula
Melon bailer
Stiff scrubbing brush
Cheesecloth or cloth napkin



3 pounds mussels
1 pound shrimp
11/2 cups dry vermouth
2 to 3 tablespoons cream of coconut, preferably homemade, or canned
1 cup heavy cream
2 large or 4 small shallots
1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
Freshly ground white pepper
1/2 pound snow peas
Fresh mint sprigs (optional)


Scrub mussels well with stiff brush and remove beards. Peel and devein shrimp. In stockpot, bring vermouth and 3/4 cup water to a boil. Reduce to a simmer. Add mussels, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until they open, 4 to 5 minutes. With slotted spoon, transfer mussels to large bowl, discarding any that have not opened. In colander lined with triple thickness of cheesecloth or cloth napkin, strain mussel poaching liquid over deep skillet. Shell mussels, reserving 2 or 3 shells per serving for garnish. Set mussels aside. Over high heat, reduce mussel poaching liquid to about 3/4 cup, about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-high. For sauce, add coconut cream and heavy cream to reduced poaching liquid. Stirring with wooden spoon, reduce by one-third, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add shrimp and poach until they turn pink, about 3 minutes. While shrimp are poaching, peel shallots and slice thinly. Add mussels to sauce. Add shallots, chopped mint, and pepper to taste, and stir to combine. Remove skillet from heat, cover, and keep warm until ready to serve. In saucepan used for kohlrabi, bring 1 quart salted water to a boil. While water is coming to a boil, rinse snow peas under cold running water. Snap off ends and remove strings. Add snow peas to boiling water, return water to a boil, and immediately pour snow peas into colander to drain. Refresh snow peas under cold running water and drain. With slotted spoon, remove shrimp and mussels from sauce. Divide shrimp and mussels among 4 dinner plates. Top each portion with sauce and surround with "pinwheel" of snow peas. Arrange a few reserved mussel shells, open Side down, near mussels and shrimp and garnish with fresh mint sprigs, if desired.


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